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07.06.2025 21:00
Concerto Budapest
Budapest, Zeneakadémia - Nagyterem
Unikum Season Ticket - Budapest
Season tickets
8 900 HUF/ 6 900 HUF/ 4 900 HUF

We offer a 10% discount for students and pensioners. Filharmonia Hungary season ticket holders can purchase tickets with a 20% discount by showing their season tickets! Individual discounts cannot be combined!

Tickets and season tickets can be purchased at the Budapest office of the Filharmonia Hungary (1143, Budapest, Szobránc u. 6-8.), at the Liszt Academy and online at

We reserve the right to change the programmes, dates, venues, and performances, and ticket prices may change accordingly.

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Season Ticket

Season tickets can be purchased at the Budapest office of the Filharmonia Hungary (1143, Budapest, Szobránc u. 6-8.), at the Liszt Academy and online at

We reserve the right to change the programmes, dates, venues, and performances, and ticket prices may change accordingly.

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This concert features three large-scale, solemn compositions for organ and orchestra by three internationally recognised organists. Richard Strauss wrote his Festive Overture for the inauguration of the Wiener Konzerthaus at the height of his career, the same time as the Alpine Symphony. Like Beethoven's Housewarming Overture, it is a work of exuberant optimism, with clean harmonias and fanfares radiating dignity. Marcel Dupré has transformed Liszt's largescale work into a kind of organ overture, where the organ's diversity is present alongside the colorful orchestral sound, so that the chorale melody is even more worthy of -liszt's original idea, and is emotional and varied in all its facets. The finale will be Saint-Saëns' Organ Symphony, where the organ will crown the orchestra's sound. Although Saint-Saëns was aked to write Symphony No. 4, he said that he would not write it because he could not create anything more significant than the Organ Symphony. He dedicated his work to the memory of Franz Liszt.


Concerto Budapest
Christian Schmitt - organ
Vincent Dubois - organ
András Keller - conductor


R.Strauss: Festliches Präludium, for large orchestra and organ
Liszt-Dupré: Fantasy and Fugue on „ Ad nos, ad salutarem undam”
Saint-Saëns: Organ Symphony No. 3 in C Minor
Unikum Season Ticket - Budapest - további koncertek